
David (he/him/his) is a transplanted New Yorker (via Wisconsin) currently living in Suffolk County, New York. Recent works include Unfamiliar: A Maidstone Tale and its complimentary short form play Unfamiliar, Fur Pajamas: A New Musical (music by John Allman), The Enemy Within (original title: Sundown), and The Fountain. His work has been produced at and/or developed by The Players Theatre, The Secret Theatre, The Skeleton Rep(resents), The PlayGround Experiment (PGE), Primary Stages’ Einhorn School for the Performing Arts (ESPA), the Seattle Playwrights Salon, and New York Musical Theatre Festival (NYMF). David has studied dramatic writing with Crystal Skillman, Stefanie Zadravec, and Megan Carter. He has also studied musical theater writing with Kait Kerrigan, Michael Mitnick, Anna Jacobs, and John Dietrich. He is a member of The PlayGround Experiment, The Dramatists Guild, the Playwrights’ Center, The TheaterMakers Studio, and the Committee on Theater and Performing Arts of the New York State Bar Association. David earned a BA (History) from Creighton University and a JD from the University of Wisconsin Law School.

Growing up, David was always performing, whether onstage or off. After portraying an insane asylum attendant in Dracula and a psychiatrist in Harvey in high school (anybody else see a trend here?), he continued acting in college. As a freshman at Creighton University, David was cast as the lead of the campus production of Alan Ayckbourn’s Table Manners. His performance elicited his first, best, and only published review for acting. According to the Omaha World-Herald, “The exception is David Ceci, a freshman from Wisconsin, who broadly developed the character of Norman as a wild and crazy guy who was obnoxious as well.” His love of musical theater was truly sparked when, during his senior year, David took on the role of Ali Hakim in a campus production of Oklahoma! But then, as it often does, life intervened. In what seems now like the blink of an eye, he completed law school, moved to the Big Apple, got married, began his law career, and started a family. At some point along the way, David turned his sights from acting on stage to writing for it. And he hasn't looked back... although he does participate in the occasional reading.

Before pursuing his writing full-time, David's career path included the law, politics, economic development, marketing, and regulatory compliance. After 30+ years in NYC, he recently relocated to Long Island with his wife (an expert in green and sustainability financing) and their dog (a somewhat large and always goofy Great Dane). When he's not writing, David can be found appreciating the local arts scene, listening to classic rock, reading scenes with PGE, or simply walking 'the beast.' Regardless of what he's doing, however, you can be sure his thoughts aren't far from delectable New York delights like a Katz's Deli pastrami sandwich or pignoli cookies from Alfonso's Pastry Shoppe. Oh, and he also dreams of tasty Wisconsin treats like grilled Usinger's brats and crullers from Grebe's Bakery.

UPDATE: Sadly, 'the beast' moved on to her next plane of existence a couple of summers ago. Her unconditional love will be greatly missed. The squirrels, deer & turkeys send their best.